Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It sure has been a while since I posted but not too much has been going on since last time. Annabelle is still doing fine although she still has the knots in her neck. She will start kindergarten in August and this makes me very nervous. She is excited though. Savanah is just getting bigger everyday and before I know it, she will be in school too. I did get a new job! I will start work with Baker Hughes on July 12th. It is a full time job with great benefits so that is really a huge relief. Oh yeah... I also signed up to be an organ donor!! I heard the story about heather donating her organs and how she had saved 3 peoples lives and after much thought, I decided I would also be a donor. It's exciting to think of the lives I may impact even when I'm not around anymore. That's what life is about.... changing lives so shouldn't death be about the same? Our new pastor started on June 1st and he has been doing a great job. I really enjoy his sermons and he is a very nice man. I look forward to our family building a relationship with him. Some may not know this about me, but I love to read the news and keep up with what is going on in our world. I read the news a few times a day and I also read the comments others leave about certain stories and events. I don't know why I read these because it really just depresses me. It breaks my heart to see the level of hate, greed, and anger in the world. The words that come from people's tongues are so full of hurt. People simply do not know the impact of words anymore. We say things without thinking, without concern of who we may hurt, with total lack of compassion and it pains me to see how we treat others. We revel in others tragedy, we laugh when others cry, we covet what we cannot have and scoff at those who have little. I may not be the poster child for love, but I pray that others see a different me. I pray that when I speak, I speak kindly. I pray that when others cry, I cry for them. I pray that my actions show compassion. I want to be different. God has changed me and I never want to be the same.

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